Liberman said Trump’s Friday address, in which the president said he will not recertify the 2015 nuclear deal, was “courageous and correct,” echoing earlier comments from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also lauded the speech as “courageous.”
The Europeans are “burying their heads in the sand just like they did before World War II,” Liberman told Channel 2 about the leaders of Germany, the UK and France – all of which have profited massively from business deals with Iran since sanctions were lifted as part of the deal. “When you see the crises unfolding in Europe, you see this [approach]. They prefer to run away from reality.”
On the other hand, Liberman continued, moderate Middle Eastern nations acknowledge that Iran “presents an existential threat” if it were to acquire nuclear weapons.
The defense minister added, however, that “Israel must be ready to handle Iran by itself without the US.”
British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel released a joint statement after Trump’s speech saying they “stand committed to its full implementation by all sides,” according to a joint statement released by May’s Downing Street office.
The leaders added that they “take note of President Trump’s decision” not to recertify the deal and were “concerned by the possible implications.” READ MORE