Sunday, March 17, 2024

Voices from the Arab press: No truce in Gaza, what about south Lebanon?

If nothing miraculous occurs, the ongoing conflict in southern Lebanon appears destined for a grim conclusion: a significant escalation, leading to a destructive Israeli war, and a troubling repetition of past incursions, from 1978 through 1982 to 2006.

Israeli intentions to respond forcefully to Hezbollah’s provocations are glaring, encompassing destruction, casualties, and forced displacement – evident in the ravaged villages of the south.

Hezbollah, instigator of the conflict, is forthright about its immediate goal: refusing a ceasefire until the conflict in Gaza subsides.

However, the dynamics in Gaza differ, with proposed truce talks focusing on a six-week ceasefire, prisoner exchanges, and increased humanitarian aid. While Israel may consider this proposal, Hamas vehemently opposes it, demanding a full ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, an outcome Israel deems inconceivable, as it seeks to eradicate Hamas and secure the region. Negotiations in Cairo have hit a roadblock due to these conflicting stances.

Rumors of a Qatari ultimatum to deport Ismail Haniyeh if Hamas persists in its stance add a layer of complexity to the situation. READ MORE