Sunday, March 17, 2024

Fatah slams Hamas for ‘returning Israeli occupation to Gaza’ with its Oct. 7 ‘adventure’

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party hit back at criticism on Friday by Hamas and other factions over his appointment of a new prime minister they said could deepen divisions.

Fatah accused Hamas of returning the “Israeli occupation” to Gaza through its “October 7 adventure,” calling this a worse catastrophe than that caused by the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Abbas appointed Mohammad Mustafa, a long-trusted adviser on economic affairs, as prime minister on Thursday and tasked him with forming a new government.

But the factions said in a statement Friday that “making individual decisions, and engaging in formal steps that are devoid of substance, like forming a new government without national consensus, is a reinforcement of a policy of exclusion and the deepening of division.”

Such steps point to a “huge gap between the (Palestinian) Authority and the people, their concerns and their aspirations,” they said. READ MORE