Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Report: Thousands of UNRWA teachers celebrate Hamas' rape and murder of civilians

A Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza is replete with posts celebrating the Hamas massacre of October 7th minutes after it began, UN Watch reported.

UN Watch is a Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the world body.

According to the report, the posts praise the Hamas murderers and rapists as "heroes," glorify the "education" that the terrorists received, and "gleefully" share photos of dead and kidnapped Israelis. 

In their group, the UNRWA teachers also urge the execution of those Israelis taken hostage.

Aside from their posts on the October 7 massacre, UNRWA teachers regularly use the Telegram group to share videos, photos, and messages inciting to terrorism, the report noted. The teachers also used the group as a platform to openly celebrate Hamas' massacre and rape of civilians.

Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, emphasized that, "This is the motherlode of UNRWA teachers’ incitement to Jihadi terrorism."

The UNRWA telegram group is intended to support UNRWA teachers, and in addition to the incitement contains dozens of files with UNRWA staff names, ID numbers, schedules, curriculum materials, and more, UN Watch noted.

Noting that UNRWA is likely to close the Telegram group following UN Watch's expose, Neuer documented several examples of incitement.

Among those mentioned are UNRWA teacher Waseem Ula, who Neuer noted "regularly posts information on salaries that he passes on from UNRWA Gaza education chief Sami Abu Kamil, calls to kill Israelis, and glorifies the Oct. 7th massacre."

"At one moment, Ula informs the group’s 3,000 UNRWA teachers that 'salaries will be paid on Sunday.' Another moment, he shares a video glorifying Hamas attacks, and posts a photo of a suicide bomb vest wired with explosives, with the caption: 'Wait, sons of Judaism.'

"Ula also glorified terrorist Akran Abu Hasanen — a perpetrator of the October 7th massacre — as a 'Qassami martyr, 'friend' and 'brother.' He prayed to Allah to 'admit him to paradise without judgment.'”

Another UNRWA teacher, Abdallah Mehjez, "does Hamas’ work by urging Gaza civilians not to heed warnings to move out of harm’s way, and instead to serve as human shields. Before UNRWA, this terrorist accomplice worked for the BBC," Neuer noted.

"UNRWA teacher Shatha Husam Al Nawajha (UNRWA Contract #30030836) often shares information in the group on when and how to get paid UNRWA salaries," he added. "On October 7th, when her colleague exulted, 'They breastfed Jihad with their mothers’ milk,' she added, 'May Allah grant them victory.'"