Wednesday, January 10, 2024

On Thursday: Conference on lessons from Gaza, and ending the two-state solution

The Sovereignty Movement is preparing for the day after the war: “In light of the lessons of Gaza and the preconceived notions that collapsed – it is prohibited to establish a Palestinian state.”

The Sovereignty Movement conference, which will take place this week in cooperation with the Yesha Council, will call to draw conclusions from the events of October 7th and will appeal to the country’s leadership to stand resolute in the face of international pressure to establish a Palestinian state that would jeopardize Israel’s continued existence.

While the government refuses to discuss the issue of the day after the war, the Right is beginning to take steps to prevent raising any idea that could lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

This week, on Thursday, the Sovereignty Movement together with the Yesha Council will hold a major conference at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem, entitled: “Wake-Up Call From Gaza – Putting an End to the Two-State Paradigm.”

Participating in the conference will be public figures, who will address the threat posed by a Palestinian state, the fact that there is no difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, and who will raise ideas and alternatives.

Finance Minister and head of the Religious Zionist party, Bezalel Smotrich, will take part in the conference in a one-on-one interview with political commentator Amit Segal. Likewise, a special panel will be held during the conference moderated by journalist Moriya Kor, with the participation of Major General (res.) Gershon Hacohen, the journalist Shalom Yerushalmi, the journalist Elhanan Gruner, and counter-terrorism expert Yair Ansbacher. The scheduled speakers include: head of the Yesha Council and the Gush Etzion Regional Council, Shlomo Ne'eman, on “The Trap of the Palestinian State,” Dr. Ran Baratz on “Israel's Readiness for a Regional War in Light of the War in Gaza,” Itamar Marcus on “There is no Difference Between the Messages and Goals of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas,” Eliyahu Yosian on “We Must Think in Middle Eastern Terms” Dr. Yoav Sorek on “Encouraging Emigration and Morality,” and Kobi Eliraz on “A New Military Policy for Israel.”

Directly after the the Hebrew conference, there will be another conference by the Sovereignty movement, this time in English, with the participation of minister Gila Gamliel, Knesset members and various public figures.

The English-language conference will include three different parts: A panel titled "Wake Up call from Gaza," a panel, "No to a Palestinian state - yes to sovereignty," and a dialogue titled, "There is No renewed Palestinian Authority."

Among the participants in the conference will be Minister Gila Gamliel, Knesset members Simcha Rothman, Dan Iluz, and Ohad Tal. Public figures include: Dr. Dror Eydar, Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, Tzvika Mor, Marc Zell, Yishai Fleisher, Jeremy Gimpel, Or Yissachar, Josh Reinstein and media people Josh Hammer, Yoni Kempinsky and Alex Traiman.

“I believe that the Prime Minister did not and does not seek to establish a state for our enemies,” says Shlomo Ne'eman, head of the Yesha Council, ahead of the conference.

According to Ne'eman, “he did so, ostensibly, due to lack of an alternative. Our Jewish-Israeli history, like the history of the entire world, is dictated by situations where there was no alternative. But for every 'no alternative' situation, for every unwritten international law, there are many forces that can shape it, refine it, and change it."

"The proof is: a Palestinian state has not yet been established, nor will it be established, despite expectations, despite the statements in all languages that we hear like a broken record.”

The leaders of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, said ahead of the conference, "In recent months we have witnessed a very disturbing discourse that wants to transfer the authority in Gaza to an old or renewed Palestinian Authority. Such a move is paving a direct way to the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the State of Israel and turns our soldiers into a silver platter for it. The lesson we painfully learned from the events of the 7th October is that we must not agree to this. Only full Israeli control over Gaza, security and civil, will ensure stability and peace in the region."

"When the threat of a Palestinian state is on the agenda, we must not stand by, but put up a warning sign and an alternative today, clearly, and this will be discussed at the conference."