Monday, October 16, 2023

Warning! Here comes the Two-State Solution… again

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken recently visited Israel and intends to return. Biden may be coming. One headline characterized the purpose of Blinken's visit as seeking to prevent the war from becoming a regional conflagration. Amidst what are sure to be his very solemn explanations to Bibi as to why and how he must keep Israel’s response to mass murder, kidnapping and beheading of children, and public rapes appropriately restrained, we can be sure that he will faithfully trot out The Two State Solution (TSS) mantra.

Earnestly speaking as a true friend of Israel, he will likely patronizingly push Bibi and Gantz to understand that it is in Israel’s deepest interest to ensure the Arabs in the ‘West Bank’ do not become radicalized like Hamas - and that the best way to that goal is by giving them a ‘State of Palestine’. It will calm them down and make them good partners for a regional peace. In other words, he will be peddling the same counterfeit and threadbare ‘Peace’ merchandise the US has been pushing on us for decades, with deadly effect.

Most sane Israelis always knew the TSS was a recipe for exactly what we saw happen around Gaza. Hopefully that ‘most’ has shifted to all ‘all’ and maybe we can finally move towards a solid national consensus that ‘Palestine’ is a dumb idea.

But what about Tony Blinken and his message of hope for a new Middle East? To him and his boss I would seek to present the argument that ‘Palestine’ is hotly inimical to fundamental US national interests. The best way to do that is to reprint here an article I wrote for Israel National News in February 2017. Notice how everything I said applies still today - just more so. READ MORE