Sunday, October 15, 2023

Gaza Resident: Hamas is blocking the evacuation

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News has obtained a recording of a conversation between an IDF officer in Unit 504 - the IDF's HUMINT unit for undercover intelligence agents - and a resident of the Gaza Strip.

The man from Gaza, a resident of the Jabaliya in the northern region of the Gaza Strip, tells the IDF officer that Hamas forces are preventing civilians from leaving the areas the IDF has declared would be targeted. According to him, Hamas confiscates the identification and car keys of anyone trying to leave the targeted area.

The IDF officer, also speaking in Arabic, asks for the exact location of the roadblocks, and confirms with the man from Gaza that it is indeed Hamas troops preventing civilians from leaving the targeted area.

This comes after several thousands of flyers were dropped from aircraft over the Gaza Strip, telling the population that the IDF would be attacking the northern region of Gaza and ordering the civilian population to evacuate to the south of the Gaza Valley.