Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Look at Jenin for a preview of what awaits the day after Abbas - analysis

Day after day, night after night, IDF soldiers enter Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps looking for terror suspects and making arrests.

The troops almost always encounter some resistance: gunfire, petrol bombs, heavy objects dropped from rooftops, a barrage of rocks. Increasingly, the terrorists detonate roadside bombs.

The raids are usually successful: The suspects are apprehended, and the IDF troops leave mostly unharmed. But in some cases – like on Monday – there are casualties: five border policemen and two IDF soldiers were wounded when a powerful roadside bomb was detonated alongside their armored vehicles in Jenin.

These raids are a critical component of Israel’s security.

IDF operations are to prevent terror attacks

They were vital during the Second Intifada in bringing down the level of terrorism once the decision was made in 2002 for the IDF to re-enter the Palestinian towns, and they have been key over the last year and a half in keeping a mini-wave of terror from turning into a tidal wave washing over the country. READ MORE