Monday, June 19, 2023

Israel to work with Egypt, Palestinian Authority on developing Gaza gas field

Israel will work with Egypt and the Palestinian Authority to develop the Gaza Marine gas field, across from the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave, the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Sunday.

The decision “emphasized Palestinian economic development and maintaining regional security stability,” the Prime Minister’s Office stated.

The project will be advanced in cooperation with security agencies, in direct talks with Egypt and coordination with the PA, the Prime Minister’s Office said.

How is Israel involved in the Gaza Marine gas field deal?

Israel’s agreement on the gas field's development came after the National Security Council examined Israel’s related security and diplomatic interests, the Prime Minister’s Office added.

EGAS, a gas company owned by the Egyptian government, is expected to develop the field about 30 km from Gaza's shores, which is estimated to hold more than 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. READ MORE