Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Is a shadowy American political agenda enabling a dark foe?

Iran does what it does best. It makes far-reaching demands of Biden without consequential commitments on its part. And Biden appears willing to reward such.

Green-lighting “an arrangement with Iran” ultimately may subject America to unforeseen existential challenges. To which, President Biden may compromise his legacy; not so much for what he did, but for what he could have done, should have done to assure American democracy and its constitutional way of life; and even more for a lack of fortitude to face off an unswerving Iran.

Rather than launching legitimate negotiations, with a willingness to concede positions on pivotal war issues that include Iran’s: 1) perceived proxy based terrorism facilitated by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad etc.; 2) perceived human rights abuses; including hostage taking; 3) perceived destabilizing militia sponsorships located in Syria, Judea and Samaria and elsewhere; 4) sophisticated intercontinental ballistic missile development and testing; 5) strategically located missiles and drones stationed allegedly throughout Lebanon, as well as rockets and housed within Gaza; each presumably intended to eventually challenge its avowed enemy, Israel; facilitated by its launched satellite guidance abilities; and 6) its inhibiting of accurate monitoring via the International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear inspectors, accessing ‘all’ Iranian nuclear sites acknowledged, suspected; operational and those in overt/covert development.

President Biden appears to rush this shortcut. But why? READ MORE