Monday, June 8, 2020

Then they came for The NY Times

“So, which is it, the best of times, or the worst of times, Mr. Dickens?” (Ageless cartoon from The New Yorker.)

By now, everybody knows what happened. Just in case, the short version is this: The New York Times posted an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark), in which he argued in favor of deploying federal troops in case the unrest got out of hand during these worst of times. Newsroom staffers, some 800, mutinied.

They said the opinion expressed by Cotton was dangerous and made them feel “unsafe.”

So sensitive.

But it had been okayed by someone at the Opinion desk…or, if you ask me, it just slipped through. Or, the butler did it – and I am not kidding.

The Times does not take kindly to the views of any Republican. That would be so RUDE.

Nor are views acceptable from anyone that departs from NY Times Leftist dogma…or, from the Pravda Style Book.

But who knew the intolerance ran this deep? The staff…all good Democrats…threatened to walk, and some did. This was a serious do-or-die uprising.

These are people for whom newspapering is a private business; owned and operated strictly by Liberals. Intruders will be dealt with harshly.

Publisher AG Sulzberger and Executive Editor Dean Baquet apologized for letting this happen…and promised to never let it happen again.

Never again will a difference of opinion be published in The NY Times. Ditto The Philadelphia Inquirer, brothers in trashing the First Amendment…without blushing.

No chance for a dissenting voice in today’s Big Media. Demur even subtly, even accidentally, and watch what happens.

As of the moment, Sulzberger and Baquet still have their jobs. But James Bennet, the Opinion Page editor, is out. No reason given, but we can guess.

From the Cancel Culture, no one is safe…and this mob does eat its own.

Are Jewish people safe?

I ask this for a very particular reason. First of all, seeking whom to blame, the mob searched the room and…aha…they found a deskman with a Jewish name.

Must be the Jews…the Zionists did it…and so the taunting began, peppered with the usual age-old slurs. Until a senior editor spoke up and said not him, me. Apparently, not Jewish.

NOW are we safe?

The answer is no, of course, and this needs serious consideration. This needs a CONVERSATION, which the mob always keeps talking about – so let’s talk.

Let’s talk about Jews in Brooklyn getting cursed and beaten up. I wonder…does this happen out of the blue? Or does it happen after one of those mendacious articles in the NY Times?
Let’s talk about the hurt. If ONE SINGLE op-ed hurts so much, imagine the damage from thousands of articles, Front Page to Opinion, that baselessly batter the Jewish State…non-stop, ceaselessly, monotonously, predictably, again and again, over 72 years, nothing but poison-pen depictions intended to vilify the State of Israel.

Let’s talk about Jews in Brooklyn getting cursed and beaten up. I wonder…does this happen out of the blue?

Or does it happen after one of those mendacious articles in the NY Times?

After one of those, do I feel safe? Not very. I watch my back. Check out this book.

I suggest the Times is to be blamed, directly.

More so, I suggest, is the Times guilty for the spike in nationwide anti-Semitism.

That figure goes higher and higher month after month as the Times leads the entire media in fathomless Israel-loathing, which leads to Jew-baiting…and the recent pogrom in LA.

Yes, let’s talk about this. Let’s discuss feeling “unsafe.” Let’s have a conversation about “sensitivities” …how favorably it works for thee, but not for me.