Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Poll shows slim majority of settlers back Trump plan, despite hostility at top

A poll published Tuesday indicated that a slight majority of Israeli settlers support the Trump peace plan, which envisions Israel annexing all settlements and the Jordan Valley while the remaining territory is conditionally earmarked for a future Palestinian state.
Of the 1,182 settlement residents surveyed by Direct Polls, 56.8% said they either support (23.4%) or lean toward supporting (33.4%) the Trump plan, while 36.1% of respondents say they oppose (20.6%) or lean toward opposing (15.5) it.
The results would appear to show a gap between settler leaders, who have firmly opposed the plan for allowing the possibility of Palestinian statehood, and the settler street, which may be more receptive to the peace proposal revealed earlier this year.
The survey conducted between June 4 and 7 also asked participants to reveal, “based on the details available to you, and compared to all other [peace] proposals, how you would define the Trump plan.” A total of 35.4% of respondents said the plan was good but not perfect, 20.2% said the plan was the best that they would get, 27.6% said it was a bad plan that must be opposed, 9.2% said it was horrible but bearable and 7.5% said they were unsure. READ MORE