Saturday, June 13, 2020

Coalition chairman: No Palestinian state as long as I'm around

Amid the disagreements within the right surrounding the application of sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria, coalition chairman MK Miki Zohar (Likud) made clear on Friday that as long as he serves as coalition chairman, there will not be a Palestinian state.

"I am in favor of applying sovereignty to all Jewish communities in all parts of the Land of Israel," Zohar told Meir Berger, political commentator of Hamevaser newspaper. "This is a historic opportunity that it is not certain we will have in the future - to apply sovereignty to at least 30 percent of Judea and Samaria. We should not be afraid to acknowledge the fact that this is our holy land and ours alone."
"On the other hand, I strongly oppose the principle of a Palestinian state. I will not allow any situation in which the government or Knesset commits itself to the establishment of a Palestinian state. As long as I am the chairman of the coalition, I will ensure these matters, as these are ideological and principled matters on which I will not compromise."
"Obviously there are still issues within the plan that require treatment. These issues include the roads, the enclaves, and more. But these are things that can be dealt with. These are not things that are unresolvable. Except for the fact of a Palestinian state which is something that, as I said, I will in no way agree to."
Zohar commented on the political partnership with the Blue and White party, claiming it can work out. "It is possible to work with them. There is a very positive collaboration with Blue and White. They look at things very matter-of-factly and they make very statesmanlike decisions.”
"There are big gaps between us on all kinds of issues, for example on issues related to the legal system or the Land of Israel. But still, when I look at the establishment of the unity government, I understand that this was the right thing that is needed for the present time. In the end, we have to put our ego aside and work for the good of the people of Israel."
At the same time, he acknowledged that a reform on issues related to the legal system is not expected anytime soon due to material differences of opinion between the parties.
“It’s true. On issues related to the legal world, we have not been able to come to terms with them. Therefore, I do not identify any legal reform that is expected to take place soon."