Thursday, May 14, 2020

He was a Muslim who once chanted ‘Death to America!’ Now, he’s working to convert Iranians to Christianity.

Dr. Hormuz Shariat endorses the "Nuclear Showdown in Iran" book by Bill Salus
Dr. Hormoz Shariat is on a mission to help bring Iranians to the Christian faith — an effort that was birthed from his family's personal pain and suffering.

Shariat, founder of Iran Alive Ministries, has spent years creatively spreading the gospel in Iran. Through satellite broadcasts, ministry training, and other innovative means, the evangelist is ingeniously delivering the gospel to the Muslim-majority nation.

One of the most remarkable parts of Shariat's story are the roots from which his ministry emerged. A native of Iran and an ex-Muslim, he once chanted "death to America" in the streets.

But Shariat's entire life changed when he left Iran during the Islamic Revolution and arrived in America to study. In addition to newfound academics, he also discovered true faith.

"I got saved in America," he said, noting that his heart and mind profoundly changed. "I love America."

Shariat said his ministry took root after his 16-year-old brother was arrested and held for two years by Iranian leaders. Rather than release the teen, the government put him to death. (Read More)