Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Netanyahu: 3,500 housing units in E1

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended the B’Sheva Jerusalem Conference on Tuesday, announcing that he plans to authorize the construction of 3,500 housing units in the E1 area near Maale Adumim.
“We are building Jerusalem. We are also building the outskirts of Jerusalem," Netanyahu said, noting, "I gave an immediate order to deposit building plans for 3,500 housing units in E1,” he announced.
Netanyahu said of the US peace plan: "We have brought a presidential declaration that the United States will recognize the application of Israeli sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea and in all localities, small and large, in Judea and Samaria."
"What does it take for the Palestinians to complete the negotiations? Stop paying terrorists' families, withdrawing their claims against Israel in the International Court, refraining from recognizing Palestine as an independent state in international institutions, recognizing the State of Israel as a Jewish state, completely giving up the right of return (it used to be 'Not one Brick' - now it's' Not one Palit [Refugee]' ).”
"They must recognize a unified Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, disarm Gaza and disarm Hamas, stop incitement against us, apply a democratic constitution whereby freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion are guaranteed," the prime minister added.