Friday, February 21, 2020

Bennett bans PA construction in Area B

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett ordered a freeze on Palestinian Arab construction in Area B.
In a letter to the attorney general's office, the Assistant Secretary of Defense claimed that Palestinian Arab construction in an area where civil authority is vested in the Palestinian Authority "constitutes part of a building initiative to encourage Palestinian takeover of land." Peace Now accused the Minister of Defense of working to block the establishment of a Palestinian state, effectively creating a "bi-national state."
According to a letter sent by the minister's assistant to the attorney general's office, Bennett has banned Palestinian Authority residents from continuing construction in an area near the Shiloh Valley in the Binyamin region. According to a Ynet report, the decision constitutes an "unusual development" because under the Oslo Civil Authority, Area B is under the Palestinian Authority's civil control, with the PA responsible for granting building permits.
"This construction has no real justification at the current location. Its main purpose seems to be getting in the way of Israeli security forces," wrote Defense Ministry Adviser on Settlement Affairs Avi Roeh to Defense Attorney General Itai Ophir.
The letter also states that "since the project is part of a declared effort by the developer to encourage 'Palestinian' takeover of land in Judea and Samaria, the manner in which security forces conduct their affairs may carry over to the entire area of Judea and Samaria in cases of private construction. The political echelon's position is that (this type of) construction should not be allowed."
Last July, construction of a road network began in close proximity to the Jewish communities of Amihai and Adei Ad in the Shiloh bloc. The work has been conducted in Area B, which is under combined PA civilian and Israeli security control.
Residents approached the IDF which claimed that Civil Administration officials told them agricultural roads were being constructed to benefit Palestinian Arab farmers. Construction has since been halted and an appeal has been filed regarding the case to the Israeli Supreme Court.