Sunday, February 9, 2020

'An opportunity to determine Israel's borders'

Head of the Efrat local council and Yesha Council Chief Foreign Envoy Oded Revivi responded to the announcement of US Ambassador David Friedman whereby a joint committee of Israel and the United States will coordinate future boundaries together.
Revivi warned that it would not be right for Israel to act unilaterally now. "Ambassador Friedman, in the name of the US administration, is putting forward a rare opportunity to sit down with the Americans, to have a discussion among ourselves and through an elected government to determine what Israel's borders will be."
"When it comes to such an important issue, the international support that the US knows how to create is important. Equally important is that the government will sit with the US government and know how to stand up for Israeli interests," Revivi noted.
"I call on my partners in settlement leadership to create a joint working mechanism with the prime minister so that we come with a unified position to the Americans, knowing what we want to achieve," he added.
Earlier, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman warned against any unilateral action by Israel prior to the end a mapping process carried out by a joint Israeli-American committee.
"President Trump’s Vision for Peace is the product of more than three years of close consultations among the President, PM Netanyahu and their respective senior staff," he tweeted. "As we have stated, the application of Israeli law to the territory which the Plan provides to be part of Israel is subject to the completion a mapping process by a joint Israeli-American committee."
"Any unilateral action in advance of the completion of the committee process endangers the Plan & American recognition."