Friday, January 31, 2020

PLO calls for escalation of the fight against Israel

The Palestinian National Council (PNC), which is the “parliament” of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), on Thursday announced its absolute opposition to what it called the US-Israeli "conspiracy".
According to the PLO, US President Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” violates Palestinian rights to self-determination, a return to their homeland and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967, the capital of which is eastern Jerusalem.
The PNC published an official statement following an emergency meeting in Jordan saying that the resolution of the Palestinian issue would not be realized until UN General Assembly and Security resolutions are implemented.
Trump’s plan, the PNC argued, will not bring about an arrangement because it is in violation of international law and decisions of international institutions on Jerusalem, refugees and settlements, and offers a geographically fragmented, borderless Palestinian state without sovereignty.
Participants in the meeting called on the Palestinian Authority leadership to escalate the resistance in all its forms against the “occupation” and to strengthen the Palestinians' steadfastness and national unity.