Saturday, November 30, 2019

A proposed long-term Gaza truce brings Hamas back to Judea & Samaria. The IDF would go for it

Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are amidst negotiations for a multifaceted deal via Turkey, Qatar and the US for ending rocket fire from Gaza and affirming a Palestinian power-sharing agreement. This corridor to a long-term Gaza truce, while costly for Israel, is favored by its military command.
Hope was boosted when Hamas on Nov. 29 cancelled another of its Friday clashes, the third in a row, between bomb-throwing Palestinians and Israeli troops on the Gaza border. Reluctant to totally give up this twenty-month long week-by-week “March of Return” spectacle, Hamas leaders are discussing whether once every two months is enough.  
Israel’s political scene is too toxic for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s policies to be credited for this let-up in Gaza violence. Rather his policy of sanctioning Qatar’s monthly cash payments to Gaza’s Hamas rulers and its impoverished population was roundly slammed by his opponents. Opposition speakers vowed to “put a stop to the suitcases of cash entering Gaza” when they come to power.
But they have turned silent in the last few days now that this policy is seen starting to bear fruit. Not only has Hamas slowed its terrorist operations against Israel, but the hidebound Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, under its octogenarian chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) of Fatah, is stirring into life.
The spirit of change awakening in the two rival Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah, may not be altogethery good news for Israel, especially when Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan is a key player. On a visit to Qatar on Nov. 26,  to inaugurate a Turkish military base established to secure its ruler Sheikh Tamim Al-Thani in his dispute with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, his talks with the emir centered strongly on plans for Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections to be held for the first time in 12 years.
Erdogan and his host devised a formula for overcoming the long feud between the Fatah leader Abbas and Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh. They proposed that the rival factions agree in advance on the results of the election. Abu Mazen’s Fatah would win a majority, Hamas a minority. The presidency would be retained by the former. This carve-up would have two consequences:
  1. The PA and its ruling Fatah would be given a role in the Gaza Strip’s civic rule, including full responsibility for expenditure, while Hamas would maintain its military arm and control of domestic security.
  2. Hamas’ political and religious organs would be allowed by the PA to re-establish operations in the PA-controlled areas of the West Bank. READ MORE