Friday, June 11, 2010

The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming - But Not Yet!

By Bill Salus

Russia's ever strengthening alliances with Turkey, Iran, and Libya, coupled with its invasion of Georgia in August of 2008, has many prophecy buffs wondering if the Magog coalition described in Ezekiel 38 is preparing to assemble, invade Israel, and take over the oil rich Middle East?

As a student of prophecy and author of the book, Isralestine, the Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, I believe I can comfortably say the time for the extremely important Ezekiel 38 and 39 invasion is not yet imminent. Indeed the Russians and their cohorts are coming but, in my humble estimation, the stage for their prophetic arrival is not entirely set. There is another, long overlooked prophetic development that appears to occur first.

Rising above the Ezekiel 38 newspaper exegesis for a moment, we must ask ourselves if Israel today, adequately meets the description of prerequisite requirements defined in Ezekiel 38:8-13. In a previous article, Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38, “Which is the Next Middle East News Headline, I ask the following: Is Israel:

A people dwelling securely? (Ezek. 38:8)
A people dwelling without walls, bars or gates? (Ezek. 38:11)
A nation at peace in the Middle East? (Ezek. 38:11)
Dwelling in the midst of the Promised Land (Ezek. 38:12)
One of the wealthiest nations in the world? (Ezek. 38:13)
A people who have acquired “great plunder”? (Ezek. 38:13)
Recognized as a sovereign nation internationally? (Ezek. 38:8)

The article goes on to exclaim a resounding NO to all of the above! So then if the stage is not set for the Ezekiel invasion, what makes Israel camera ready for this Gog-liath event?

When are the Russians coming?

Israel has to burst out of its territorial seams and become the next Middle East Super- State. Destined to someday possess land from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers according to Genesis 15:18, Israel has been cooped up like a canary in a cage for six plus decades too long. While Israel’s Arab enemies seek to blow up the birdcage, the Bible has flipped open to its final pages.

Not one, but two powerfully prophetic events are about to unfold in the Middle East, and in the end, an entirely new Atlas of the region will probably need to be redrawn. In Isralestine, I point out that in fulfillment of Ezekiel 25:14, 37:10, and Obadiah 1:18 the Israeli Defense Forces are about to become an “exceedingly great army”. They are formidable presently, but the "exceedingly great" accolade will likely be the result of their decisive conquest over the Psalm 83 Arab forces. (map of Ps. 83 "inner circle" Arab nations)

Freed from further Arab terror and torment, the nation of Israel can tear down its 403 mile long partition wall, close down its gated security checkpoints, and dwell securely resembling the “latter years” nation described in Ezekiel 38:8-13. World Jews, driven by Zionistic inclination, can then safely make massive Aliyah into Israel enabling the nation to expand its borders and exploit the resources of its defeated Arab foes.

This Greater Israel probably causes Russia, Iran, Turkey and their entire coalition to covet a piece of the acquired plunder and great booty specified in Ezekiel 38:13. In the aftermath of the Israeli Conquest over the Psalm 83 Arab confederacy the Magog coalition will probably grow stronger and their hatred of Israel grow deeper. This is because both confederacies, Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38, predominately contain Muslim populations.

However, the military renown of the exceedingly great I.D.F. will promptly become yester-years news as they will not match up with what commences to march against them through the Magog episode. Fortunately for Israel, their ancient Hebrew prophet predicts the Jewish / Christian God Jehovah divinely saves the day. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 declares the Russian – Iranian led nuclear equipped consortia will drop dead in their Middle East tracks. The description of events suggest world headlines will read like Old Testament fire and brimstone passages. (map of Magog "outer ring" invaders)

At the end of the bloody rainbow, will sit Israel’s pot of gold. Seven years of fuel (possibly nuclear), probably even more land for the taking, and prominent International stature. Their ancient King Solomon in all of his splendor, riches, and glory will probably pale in comparison.

It appears as though the tiny nation of Israel, that today can’t even call Jerusalem its capitol, appears about to become the centerpiece of current world events. Present "rumors of war" in the volatile Middle East should serve as a call to caution for humanity to set its sights on the ancient predictions about to unfold. Israel of today is set to explode into probably the next Middle East Super-State of tomorrow.

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