Saturday, March 20, 2010

Obama or Israel, who Invades Iran?

by Bill Salus

Is Obama preparing a preemptive strike against Iran? Some analysts suggest he is. Among the reasons, they cite Obama’s failed Mideast foreign policy of “Engagement” coupled with the
recent rumors that a British company has contracted with the US Navy to deliver 300 "bunker busting" bombs to the British base in Diego Garcia - a staging area for strikes against Iraq in 1991 and 2003.

However, odds are Obama’s present political predicament will prevent him from invading Iran and running the risk of opening Pandora’s Middle East Box. As I suggest in my article “
Is the Mideast about to go Apocalyptic”, any preemptive strategic strike against Iran could have disastrous worldwide prophetic consequences.

Presently several
polls show the President’s popularity is rapidly deteriorating and he can ill afford any further damage to his reputation or domestic agenda. A unilateral strike against Iran without first forming a base international coalition and / or achieving unanimous congressional blessing could be political suicide. Additionally, in light of the Obamacare fiasco and ongoing American financial crisis, it appears the President could lack the political clout necessary to accomplish either of the above.

Furthermore, the recent announcement by
Vladimir Putin regarding Russia’s proactive participation in the expeditious completion of Iran's nuclear site at Bushehr serves as a further deterrent to any such Obama strike. In addition to being a severe slap in Obama’s face, this recent Russian announcement;

1. Substantiates Israeli suspicions of Russia's critical covert role in Iran's nuclear program,
2. Informs the International community that Russia's bid to reemerge as a world
superpower is well underway,
3. Implies that Russian deployment of the S-300 missile defense system to Iran is about to commence full speed ahead,
4. Fuels Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s zeal to fulfill his nuclear aspirations expeditiously,
5. Diplomatically shuts the door on effective international “
crippling sanctions”,
6. Complicates any and all attempts to preempt a strategic strike against Iran’s nuclear sites,
7. Torques up Mideast tension, and
8. Accelerates Israel’s and / or any nation’s time clock to attack Iran.

Such a pending American strike also suggests the recent diplomatic disaster between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and America’s Vice President Joe Biden may have been staged. It implies that America attempted to distance Israel through political embarrassment in order to keep Israelis out of harm’s way from the unforeseen repercussions of an American led strike against Iran.

It is doubtful that America is playing the role of “Mother Hen” over Israel. Rather, it appears Obama sent Biden over to strong arm Israel into freezing settlements and news of the approved construction of 1600 new homes in
Ramat Shlomo headed the V.P. off at the pass. This is probably why Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called the event “insulting”, and U.S. peace envoy George Mitchell abruptly cancelled his previously planned Mideast visit.

It is doubtful that Obama has received a divine epiphany that attacking Iran enhances his political popularity, rather it appears his top military advisors have forewarned him that Israel is about to strike Iran and that America had better be adequately prepared and deployed. These 300 “B” designator bunker buster’s (i) may be nothing more than a replenishment of stock. Presently the U.S. military has enormous stockpiles of weapons and ammunition stored on Diego Garcia.

and that's my "two Mideast cents worth"
Bill Salus

(i) These are"B" designator - BLU-110()/B and BLU-117()/B (bombs) which means they're specifically US Navy ordnance, and are destined for loading on to carrier-based strike aircraft... these weapons are conventional "shock and awe" crater makers.
Just to be clear... the BLU-110/B and BLU-117/B are not "bunker busters"... This is an error which originated with a UPI report published last Thursday. As with most things military covered by most corporate news organizations, they did not bother to check or cross-reference their information for accuracy.

The fact of the matter is that these two bombs are conventional ordnance air-drop "dumb bombs" with a precision GPS/Inertial guidance add-on kit attached to the bomb's rear end (Tail-Kit). They're commonly redesignation as GBU-## or Guided Bomb Unit-##. They are also generally known as JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) weapons. They will not penetrate the ground deeply, but will shatter above ground reinofrced concrete tunnel entrances, exits and air vents.

True "bunker busters" are the BLU-109 Penetrator, BLU-113 Super Penetrator, BLU-116 Advanced Unitary Penetrator and the BLU-118 Thermobaric Penetrator.
Sean Osborne - Associate Director Northeast Intelligence Network


  1. Looking into the clutter of developments, these moves seem to indicate more of "rumours of wars" With the kind of dispersal and hardening that Iran has, these conventional ordinance would do little. In all likelihood, the strike would be acheived by tactical nukes delivered by ballistic and cruise missiles that Israel is more capable of delivery. The Occupant of the Oval Office--Obama (OOO-O) may think that he has the capability to arm-twist Israel and the US could acheive what it wants but the fact is that the US encounters formidable resistance and anti-access and antidenial capabilities including possible EMP weapons that Iran could launch--thanks to the massive aid from Russia and China.

    This is well resonated in the new assessment Why AirSea Battle? by Andrew Krepinevich

    Lawrence of India

  2. A couple of years ago Joel Gallis ( now deceased) of Israel National Radio announced on the blog Redemption 5768 that Barack Hussein Obama was "Gog" according to the Bible Code. Since NWO loves to employ both sides using "good cop/bad cop" techniques. It would be logical that USA socialist Obama and Marxist Russia are in league with each other to invade Middle East and blame all of the repercussions on Israel.


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