Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Persian Protest - is regime change coming in Iran?

Recently an Iranian – American friend named Amil Imani called me and directed my attention to his important article post regarding the protesters push for a regime change in Iran. Amil's important article is (linked here). Amil is a widely respected expert when it comes to understanding the present problematic political predicament ongoing inside Iran. A quick visit to his website, which has had over one and a quarter-million visitors, authenticates his qualifications.

Below please find my follow up comments to Amil after having read his informative and timely article post.

Brother Amil, it was an honor to talk with you the other night and your cooperative article with Jerry Gordon is fantastic. As I stated to you, I also hope that a collapse of the present Iranian regime is soon forthcoming. However, my concern is that time is not on the side of a regime change in Iran. Furthermore, since an Israeli pre-emptive strategic strike against Iran’s nuclear sites could be forthcoming, it grieves me to think that your good natured Iranian compatriots, openly opposing the KhamaneiAhmadinejad regime, could collectively ultimately turn against Israel. But, as you suggest in your article, this would be the likely result. You are not alone in this view, as other analysts have also suggested this would be the national sentiment of most Iranians should Israel strike.

The problem I see for the Iranian opposition movement is providential at present. Two powerful kings are not likely to come alongside the opposition in the manner you prescribe. Obama will probably remain indecisive toward Iran throughout his remaining 3 years in office, and Netanyahu is preparing his people for war on numerous fronts. Frankly, we can't blame him since Iran's present regime poses an existential threat to Israel's survival.

Daniel 2:20-21, says God puts kings in their places. These two kings will not likely sufficiently support the opposition; rather, Both Obama and Netanyahu have their own national agendas. Netanyahu hasn't time to take the risk that a regime change will occur, nor can he be assured that should such a geopolitical shift occur that it would resolve his larger regional concerns. Obama is pushing America toward globalism and in the process alienating Israel. This further complicates Netanyahu's predicament.

Further pressing in on this complicated matter is the fact that Iran, formerly Persia, is involved in future Bible prophecy as per Ezekiel 38. Unfortunately, their ultimate national plight is grim according to the description given by the prophet. Many end time’s experts, myself included, believe that the Ezekiel prophecy is about to find final fulfillment. However, as I suggested to you, an Israeli pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear sites is not necessarily prophetic.

Although such a strike is presently being contemplated by the Israeli Defense Forces and is predicted by many eschatologists and military analysts to be soon forthcoming, it may or may not be what provokes Persia's involvement in the Ezekiel prophecy. As we both concurred in our conversation, we Hope (capital “H”) Israel won't have to succumb to such a strategic strike.

As I also informed you in our recent phone conversation, my heart goes out to you for your sincere and genuine love for your Iranian compatriots, and my prayers are for the success of their present plight. If you recall, it is my belief that one of two things could occur that may dissuade Israel from conducting a strategic strike against Iran's nuclear sites. One, a pro-Israel regime change inside Iran and two, Israel striking it rich with oil under its own soil. I doubt increased sanctions against Iran will do much to deter Iran's nuclear aspirations.

If Israel discovers oil on a large scale soon, the international scales may tip toward Israel's favor. Israel discovered the largest natural gas deposit in the world this past January called "Tamar One". Perhaps oil and gas discoveries could come to Israel's rescue in this instance. If Israel should be blessed with both natural gas and oil resources it could prompt renewed international interest in regional stability. This in turn might buy more time for a regime change to take place in Iran.

In our phone call you suggested that Israel would essentially commit suicide by striking Iran. It is your concern that in retaliation Iran and / or its proxies would ultimately destroy the Jewish State. I respect your geopolitical viewpoint and I think most secular experts would tend to concur with your assessment. However, God promised the Jewish patriarch Abraham in numerous Bible passages that he would have descendants with their own homeland forever. Thus what concerns you cannot happen, lest the God of Abraham be considered a promise breaker. In addition, the fulfillment of numerous Bible prophecies requires the existence of the nation Israel therefore ensuring its present survival.

I exhort you to keep up your compassionate fight and I will pray for the plight of your compatriots. The good news is that Jesus loves them and that according to Jeremiah 49:39, the ultimate prognosis for at least a remnant of Iranians appears very positive.
Best Reading Regards
Bill Salus

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