Thursday, August 6, 2009

Understanding the Satanic Secular Smoke Screen over Israel

by Bill Salus

A recent timely article that accurately assesses the current geo-political situation in the Middle East entitled “Israel: Box It and Tape The Lid Shut”, was released by Robert Maginnis His article, gives clarity to the political predicament, the international community in general, and the Obama administration specifically, has boxed Israel into.

The Maginnis piece delivers invaluable insights as to the geo-political realities facing Israel. Now lets take a look on a deeper level at the geo-“prophetical” implications of current Mideast events.

It appears geo-prophetically that all of this Hail Mary diplomacy Maginnis articulately points to is nothing more than a temporary satanic secular smoke screen. According to the Bible prophecies described in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38, Satan appears to have big plans set in place to destroy Israel in the near future.

The basic satanic premise for the demise of Israel, is probably that if the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, i.e. the Jews, are eliminated then the God of those patriarchs who promised them descendants forever, becomes a promise breaker. Furthermore, according to Bible prophecies like Hosea 5:15 and elsewhere, a faithful end time’s remnant of Jews will beckon the return of Christ to the earth. According to these prophecies this is a pre-requisite of the Second Coming of Christ. Thus Satan furthermore likely deduces that if there are no Jews, there can be no Second Coming.

These two forthcoming Israeli war prophecies represent an inner circle of Arab populations that share common borders with Israel, in Psalm 83, and an outer ring of Arab, Persian, and other assorted population composites in Ezekiel 38:1-6.

The two attached maps, bordered by pentagons, show the inner circle and outer ring correlations and superimpose the ancient peoples names over their modern day equivalents.

These powerful Israeli war prophecies are foretold to occur in the end times and when closely studied seem to happen sequentially and in fairly rapid succession. They can be likened to a devilish one – two punch that is intended to knock Israel down to the canvas and out for the final count.

Diplomatically incarcerating the Jews into a box, which the Obama administration may unknowingly be doing, obviously makes it easier for Satan to militarily incinerate them later through these coming prophetic invasions. Fortunately for Israel, according to Bible prophecy, the Devil’s genocidal attempts against the Jews will be thwarted. As I point out in my book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, the I.D.F. purportedly stops the Psalm 83 Arab assault and God will divinely destroy the Ezekiel 38 & 39 invaders.

Psalm 83 likely occurs when the Arabs believe they can once and for all defeat Israel conventionally, something they have failed miserably at in the wars 1948, 1967, and 1973. However, unlike those previously failed conventional Arab war efforts, the final Psalm 83 attack should combine both traditional Arab methods of war along with the relatively recently formatted tried and tested unconventional tactics of terrorism.

This coming final Arab advance against Israel appears to be a climactic concluding battle inclusive of nations like Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan, as well as terrorist driven non-nation populations, like the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, and even perhaps the Al-Qaeda.

Most of these above Arab nations have developed advanced military arsenals. Simultaneously they have been transforming their terrorist bedfellows from thugs into political parties, who themselves have also become armed and dangerous. As such it appears that the confidence level of these Arab nations and / or terrorist populations to war against Israel has risen to an unprecedented high.

Although Iran is flanked alongside Russia in the Ezekiel 38 invasion, it is not listed among the Psalm 83 confederates. Why not? Is it merely because they are Persian rather than Arab? I think not. I believe that something powerful soon happens to Iran that renders them temporarily of little to no utility to the Psalm 83 Arabs. It is hard to say what event neutralizes Iran; however, a strategic Israeli airstrike that effectively sets Iran’s nuclear program back to the Stone Age could certainly do the trick.

If Iran’s nuclear plants are struck, then Russia would likely expediently run to their rescue. Russia is heavily invested in a multiplicity of Iran’s military endeavors. Not only are they assisting with their nuclear aspirations, but they have also contracted to sell them the Russian made S-300 and S-400 state of the art missile defense systems.

Furthermore, if Iran is attacked, Russian and Iranian relations would undoubtedly grow stronger and their collective hatred of Israel likely grow deeper. In the aftermath of such an attack, a strengthened Russian - Iranian relationship coupled with a deepened Anti-Semitic sentiment, would appear to fit well into Satan’s grand scheme of things. Such an adversarial disposition against Israel could easily pave the way for the coming invasion described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Any which way you size it up, putting Israel in a box and taping the lid shut could be the exact prophetic prescription the devil desires for Israel in these end times. When we look at the geo-prophetic implications of modern day Middle East events, we are reminded in 1 John 5:19 that the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

It is obvious that humanity, apart from a small evangelical Christian contingent within it, has entirely disconnected from God’s plan to make Israel a great nation as per Genesis 12:2-3. This ancient prophecy encourages mankind to further facilitate the fulfillment of a Greater Israel by “blessing” it as a nation rather than by boxing it in, or otherwise “cursing” it.

Currently Israel occupies only a small sliver of the land bestowed to it in Genesis 15:18, which stretches between the Nile and Euphrates rivers. This is land that the international community, inclusive of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38:1-6, populations, cannot presently fathom allotting for a sovereign Jewish State. But, in the aftermath of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 & 39 prophetic episodes, Israel will likely begin to gradually annex some of this Promised Land. If their Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38:1-6 enemies are defeated, who will try to prevent them from doing so?

However, for now it seems that all this political double talk about two-state peace solutions, foreign policies of Engagement, and the Obama-Clinton defense umbrella, which are intended to stabilize the Middle East, will likely turn out to be nothing more than Satanically driven secular smoke screens intended to set the stage for the elimination of the Jews once and for all.

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