Thursday, June 20, 2024

Strikes on Haifa and Tel Aviv: Hezbollah's plan of attack if war erupts with Israel - report

After the IDF announced that it had approved operational plans for an attack on Lebanon, Hezbollah quickly clarified that the Shi'ite terrorist organization is also preparing for the possibility that Israel will declare war on the Cedar State, as reported on Thursday by Lebanese newspaper Elnashra.

According to the report, Hezbollah plans to attack Haifa if Israel expands the fighting and, in the next stage, additional cities, including Tel Aviv.

"It is not by chance that Haifa was included in the equation of the war currently being waged in southern Lebanon," the Lebanese media outlet stated. "This city has been marked by Hezbollah as a target in the event of an expansion of the war. If the Israelis enter into large-scale military confrontations… in the area south and north of Litani, Haifa will be a legitimate target for Hezbollah."

Furthermore, Elnashra also referred to the documentation of targets in the Haifa port area by a Dukhifat UAV. 


"Strategic, military, and civilian facilities were scanned, continuing the equation drawn by Hezbollah that destruction will be met with destruction, and civilian casualties will be met with civilian casualties,” Elnashra wrote.

“The drone also scanned a military-industrial facility belonging to Rafael, which is the most dangerous thing the video contained for the Israelis." READ MORE