Thursday, June 13, 2024

Security breach: Inspection team collects hundreds of Unit 8200 documents

Approximately a month ago, an IDF undercover inspection team arrived at a base used by Unit 8200, the IDF's elite SIGINT force. Its members posed as senior officers, successfully infiltrating the base with ease.

According to Yediot Aharonot, the team members entered the base without identity checks, roamed the base for nearly three hours, and reached operational areas. They collected hundreds of classified documents and materials from secret computers and could have also damaged infrastructure and harmed soldiers if they had wished.

It was further reported that the inspection was halted proactively after the extent of the failure was understood, and the team members contacted the unit commanders and presented them with their findings.

The IDF claimed that the failings were fixed and about 30 soldiers and officers were punished as a result of the inspection - but it turns out that the punishments were light, such as confinement and reprimand, and were given only to officers up to the rank of Major.

Intelligence Corps sources noted that, "Six months after the 7th of October, it seems that we have learned nothing," and criticized the unit commanders for not taking responsibility for the debacle.

The IDF responded: "The base defense unit routinely conducts surprise inspections to secure the camps. The incident in question was investigated and all relevant parties were tried and punished. The findings of the inspection were passed on to the commanders for learning and improving the level of security at the base." Israel National News - Arutz Sheva