Friday, June 28, 2024

Poll: United right-wing party wins 27 Knesset seats, Left weakens

A new poll conducted by Lazar Research for the Maariv newspaper showed that a united right-wing party would win 27 Knesset seats, becoming the largest party in the Knesset.

The proposed unified party would include MKs Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu), and Gideon Sa'ar (National Unity), as well as former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen.

In such a scenario, the Likud party would win 19 Knesset seats, while National Unity would win 17, and Yesh Atid 13.

Sephardic-haredi Shas is projected to win 10 seats, while Otzma Yehudit would win eight and Ashkenazic-haredi United Torah Judaism would win seven.

Three parties - Labor, the Arab Hadash-Ta'al party, and the Arab Ra'am (United Arab List) party - would win five seats each, and Meretz would win four seats.

The poll also showed that if elections were held today, National Unity would win 24 seats, and Likud would win 21.

In such a scenario, Yesh Atid would be third-largest in the Knesset, with 15 seats, followed closely by Yisrael Beytenu, with 14 seats.

Shas would win 10 seats, Otzma Yehudit nine, United Torah Judaism (UTJ) seven, and Labor six. Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am would win five seats each, and Meretz would win four.

In this poll, Religious Zionism, National Right, and the Arab Balad party did not pass the electoral threshold.