Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Poll: A new right-wing party wins 24 Knesset seats

A new right-wing party in which Naftali Bennett, Yossi Cohen and Gideon Sa'ar will take part would win 24 Knesset seats, according to a poll conducted by Channel 13 News and published on Monday.

According to the data, in such a situation the National Unity Party wins 20 seats, Likud 16, Shas 9, Otzma Yehuda 8, Yesh Atid 8, Yisrael Beytenu 7 and an alliance between Labor and Meretz wins 7.

United Torah Judaism wins 6 seats, the Religious Zionist Party 5, Ra'am 5 and Hadash-Ta'al 5.

A poll conducted by the Midgam institute for Channel 12 News examined a scenario in which a slate with Avigdor Liberman, Naftali Bennett, Yossi Cohen and Gideon Sa'ar runs for the Knesset.

In such a situation, that party becomes the largest in the Knesset with 23 seats, National Unity receives 18, Likud 18, Yesh Atid 15, Shas 10, Otzma Yehudit 9, a Labor-Meretz alliance 9, United Torah Judaism 8, Hadash-Ta'al 5, and Ra'am wins 5 seats as well.

The Religious Zionist and Balad parties do not pass the electoral threshold. Israel National News - Arutz Sheva