Saturday, June 15, 2024

'Necessary sacrifices' - Hamas leader's harsh decree, but only for others

“The death fear of the ego is lessened by the killing, the Sacrifice, of other; through the death of the other, one buys oneself free from the penalty of dying….” Otto Rank, Will Therapy and Reality (1945)

A core question dawns: If Hamas leaders identify “martyrdom” with continuous violence against Israel, why do they keep themselves distant from tangible Palestinian terror? If they truly believe in religion-based promises of power over death, why do they prefer to live (sometimes in five-star hotels or private villas) outside the arena of “immortalizing” conflict? How should one correctly identify a Hamas leader’s call for “necessary sacrifices” when the human subjects of his harsh decree do not include himself?

It’s not a difficult question. Yahya Sinwar’s recent demand for Palestinian Arab sacrifices reveals a Hamas leadership that regards Palestinian Arab suffering as “necessary.” While Sinwar and assorted terrorist “faithful” cower in calculably safe places, the willful “sacrifice” of lesser Palestinian Arabs is taken without challenge as cumulatively gainful. In essence, Sinwar’s call represents a cry of incomparable cowardice. Moreover, because it is utterly primal, this shameless call can never be controlled by reason, law or diplomacy.

What then? Suitably informed explanations are finally in order. READ MORE