Friday, June 21, 2024

Aggression by the Iran-backed Houthis continues unabated - analysis

The Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, better known as the Houthis, attacked a US Navy destroyer and two civilian vessels on Sunday. According to a statement by General Yahya Saree, the Houthis’s spokesman, “Triumphing for the oppressed Palestinian people and in retaliation for the American-British oppression against our country, the missile forces and naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out two military operations in the Red Sea as follows:

“The first targeted an American destroyer with a number of ballistic missiles. The second targeted the ship Captain Paris with a number of suitable naval missiles. The Unmanned Air Force carried out a third military operation as well, targeting the Happy Condor ship in the Arabian Sea, using a number of drones.”

These acts of aggression by the Iran-supported Shi’ite Islamist force, which controls most of the country’s coastline and its capital, Sana’a, are the latest in a campaign that commenced last November. The campaign has succeeded in severely disrupting shipping on the Gulf of Aden/Red Sea corridor, a vital global waterway. 

As of now, efforts by US and allied forces have succeeded in intercepting many attacks.

They have not, however, managed to set a price for this activity at anywhere near the level that would be required to induce the Houthis to desist from it. As a result, the attacks are continuing, and severe damage is being inflicted on global trade, with no end in sight. READ MORE