Tuesday, May 28, 2024

US professor deported for terror ties shares stage with Hamas officials in Istanbul

Sami Al-Arian, an academic deported from the US a couple of decades ago after pleading guilty to providing services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), shared a stage in a panel discussion with a high-ranking member of the terror organization Hamas, Jamal Issa, during a conference held in Istanbul last week.

The conference was titled “The Flood of the Free” as a homage to Hamas’s October 7 massacre, named by the radical terror group “Flood of Al-Aqsa,” with the conference logo featuring two paragliders referring to the terrorists who paraglided into Israeli communities on their bloodthirsty quest to murder, rape and kidnap over 1200 Israelis and foreigners on October 7.

Other senior Hamas members also took part in other sessions during the two-day event, including Osama Hamdan, Sami Abu Zuhri, as well as Khaled Meshaal, who sent a pre-recorded blessing to the conference.

The main host of the event was the Global Campaign to Support Al-Quds and Palestine (GCQP), an Istanbul-based organization pertaining to the Muslim Brotherhood axis, with close organizational and ideological ties to the Al-Quds Foundation, designated as a Hamas proxy by both the US and Israel.

Other hosts included Turkish NGO “Human and Civilization Movement,” as well as the Al-Baraka Society, a charity organization led by Algerian Muslim Brotherhood cleric Ahmed Brahimi. According to the organizers, the conference saw participation of hundreds of people from dozens of countries, from Pakistan to Yemen to Morocco. READ MORE