Thursday, May 16, 2024

Pier off Gaza could be operational in days

The US military on Wednesday began moving into place the pieces of a temporary pier that will be used to transport humanitarian aid into Gaza from the Mediterranean Sea, defense officials told CBS News.

"Earlier today, components of the temporary pier that make up our Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore capability, along with military vessels involved in its construction, began moving from the Port of Ashdod towards Gaza, where it will be anchored to the beach to assist in the delivery of international humanitarian aid," said a defense official quoted in the report.

Construction of the two pieces, the floating platform and the causeway, was completed last week, but weather had delayed the final movement. With the pieces now moving into place, the temporary pier could be operational in the coming days and as early as Thursday, said a defense official.

President Joe Biden, in his State of the Union address in March, announced the plans for the temporary pier on the coast of Gaza that would receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelter and provide aid to the Strip.

A day later, Biden said that Israel will provide security for the port he plans to build off the coast of Gaza that would provide aid to the Strip.

The Biden administration has said the corridor will increase the amount of aid getting in, but the pier is not meant to replace the entry points by road, which are far more efficient for bringing aid in quickly.

Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, the deputy commander of US Central Command, told reporters there are hundreds of tons of aid ready to be delivered once the corridor is up and running, and thousands of tons in the pipeline.