Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Olympus Has Fallen: America's decline as a superpower, and what that means for Israel - opinion

Action movie buffs will recall Olympus Has Fallen, a 2013 film in which the White House is attacked and taken over by Korean terrorists seeking to unify the Korean Peninsula. The sequel London Has Fallen, in which radical Islamic terrorists plagued the UK capital, followed in 2016.

While the plots are fantastical, the underlying message behind both films unfortunately resonates more than ever in 2024. The White House has not been physically attacked, but its current occupant has succeeded in undermining and eroding America’s standing on the global stage to a degree that was unimaginable when the Cold War ended, leaving the US the sole superpower.

Similarly, masses of Islamist fanatics can be found marching in the streets of London these days, threatening violence against Jews and supporters of Israel. The British government and police seem powerless to intervene in the face of their poisonous message.

In both movies, traitors within the ranks of government aided and abetted the terrorists. Today, we have university graduates trained in Marxist postcolonial views of the world entering the corridors of power. Their malign influence is making inroads.

The devastating events of 9/11, coupled with the disgrace of Americans being held hostage in the US Embassy in Tehran in 1980, should have taught the US and the Western world that radical Islam has replaced communism as the major threat to Western civilization, with both the Sunni and Shiite branches posing a threat. Have Americans forgotten how the destruction of the Twin Towers was celebrated enthusiastically throughout the Arab world and, in particular, in Gaza? Don’t Westerners notice that the Iranian mullahs regard the US as the “big Satan” and that for decades now, they have been chanting “Death to America”? READ MORE