Saturday, May 18, 2024

Iranian missile found in Hezbollah facility

 Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Social media footage published today from a Hezbollah military facility bombe by the IDF shows sections of an Iranian SAM. This is the first time that Iranian Sayyad 2 air defense missiles have been documented on Lebanese soil. The missiles are presumed to have been damaged in the attack or to have fallen to earth after being launched.

According to Kan, the missile’s presence in a Lebanese facility confirms that Iran is transferring advanced air defense armament to Hezbollah.

IDF jets bombed the facility this morning. The IDF stated that the facility was used by Hezbollah’s air defense department and presented a threat to Israeli aircraft.

This forms the latest in a years-long string of Israeli attacks in Lebanon and Syria that have been intended to prevent Iranian arms shipments from reaching Hezbollah. It is estimated that Hezbollah has built a system of underground tunnels and bunkers, larger even than that built by Hamas in Gaza, to resist Israeli bombings while transferring and storing weaponry.