Thursday, May 30, 2024

Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Foments Revolution in US with Praise of College Protests Against Israel and America; Tells Students, “My Advice to You Is to Become Familiar With the Quran”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei released a letter this week to American college students who staged campus protests against Israel and the United States after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, praising their protests as part of an international “Resistance Front” and encouraging them to “become familiar with the Quran.” The Islamist regime in Tehran is a state sponsor of terrorism and main supporter of Hamas.

The campus protests, held mainly at expensive elite colleges and universities with a large foreign student body, were a joint effort of communist and Islamist groups fomenting hatred of Israel and Jews, and revolution in the United States.

Many of the campus occupation encampments featured daily calls to Islamic prayer sessions and Marxist indoctrination chants.

Khamenei’s letter is a bold effort to by the Iranian government to openly foment revolution within the United States in the face of a weak, appeasing Joe Biden. READ MORE