Saturday, April 6, 2024

Voices from the Arab press: Lebanon: Immediate ceasefire or inevitable disaster

If the information provided by sources close to Hezbollah is accurate, then significant developments in southern Lebanon are on the horizon.

It appears that Wafiq Safa, a security official in Hezbollah, recently visited the UAE to convey his leadership’s willingness to cease fighting in southern Lebanon and establish a demilitarized zone under the supervision of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army.

The conditions include a clear demarcation of land borders, similar to the agreement reached on maritime borders.

This news comes amid Hezbollah’s involvement in supporting Hamas in Gaza and a notable shift in its official stance toward resistance against Israel. It seems that Hezbollah is signaling a desire to de-escalate tensions and seek a settlement with Israel, possibly with the mediation of the UAE, to avoid a full-scale war.

However, Israeli sources have swiftly rejected any agreement that does not involve Hezbollah surrendering its weapons to the Lebanese Army and relinquishing control over Lebanese territory, leading to Israel’s escalated bombings in Baalbek and Hermel. READ MORE