Friday, April 5, 2024

Thousands protests near Israeli embassy in Amman, Jordan

Protests have been ongoing in Amman, Jordan daily for almost two weeks. The protestors want Jordan's 1994 treaty with Israel to be eradicated. These protests could have prophetic implications. They could be setting the stage for prophecies in Psalm 83, Jeremiah 49:2, Zephaniah 2:8-9, Ezekiel 25:14, Isaiah 11:14 and more. All of these prophecies foretell of a time when Israel will defeat Jordan in a last days war.

They reference Ammon, which is modern day northern Jordan, Moab, which is central Jordan and Edom, which is southern Jordan. Some Bible teachers believe that these prophecies, especially Psalm 83, can't happen or has already happened, and that the Jordan 1994 treaty evidences this. But what if this treaty gets SHREDDED?