Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Gallant abandons meeting with Foreign Affairs Comittee

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stormed out a confidential meeting held Tuesday with the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in Tel Aviv, following a dispute concerning Minister Bezalel Smotrich's demand to establish a public committee to discuss and supervise the future budget of the Ministry of Defense.

MK Ze'ev Elkin asked Gallant about the letter that Minister Smotrich had sent him, mentioning that an agreement had been reached to establish the committee at the time of the budget transfer - yet the Defense Minister reneged and did not convene it.

Gallant replied that he opposes Minister Smotrich's demand: "There's a minister who wants to impose a committee on us," he claimed.

Elkin replied: "If you have problems with the minister in your ministry - it's not our business and we should not hear about it here."

Gallant was furious at the response, stood up, and left the meeting before it was supposed to end.

Before that, the committee dealt with the issue of governance in Gaza after the war. The Defense Minister clarified that, "There are only two options for control in the territory. One is Hamas and it won't happen because we will destroy it. The second is that the Strip will be controlled by a civilian Gazan entity and Israel will have full military freedom to act."

MK Limor Son Har-Melech pointed out to Gallant that there are other options for the day after. In response, the Defense Minister turned to the Committee chairman MK Yuli Edelstein and said to him: "Can I leave? Let it be clear, there will be no settlement, Israeli civilians will not reside in Gaza and there will be no Israeli control. But there will be military freedom to act."

MK Nissim Vaturi approached Gallant with another issue: "Everyone talks about recruitment and there are many who try to be accepted to elite units, with excessive motivation, and there's no room for them. The IDF has to establish more elite units and not create conflicts among the people."

Gallant replied: "MK Vaturi is right even though I don't like to say 'Vaturi' and 'right' in the same sentence." Vaturi responded with a smile: "I like you too."

Several committee members said in a conversation with Arutz Sheva - Israel National News that the Minister came to the discussion with a dismissive attitude and did not answer questions in a focused and direct manner, so they left the discussion without answers to the questions they presented to him.