Saturday, April 6, 2024

A Preview Of The Spirit of Antichrist - Eliminating God From The Calendar

On March 29th, President Biden signed a White House proclamation observing March 31st as "Transgender Visibility Day." This year, that day coincided with Easter Sunday, the holiest day on the Christian calendar--and the most important day in human history.

This has been a major topic in the news, and I'm sure you've all heard about it. It was especially disturbing to Christians as we were celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

Now, we always want to be fair, even to people with whom we disagree. To be fair to President Biden, "Transgender Visibility Day" has actually been on the calendar for March 31st since 2009. Therefore, he was recognizing something that was already in place. Having said that, he did go out of his way to highlight and draw undue attention to it--going as far as to sign this proclamation.

Putting these two celebrations on equal footing is an outrage and blasphemy. This represents a larger agenda of the government's years-long erosion and assault on morality and the Christian faith. In some cases, laws today are even being weaponized against Christians.

When I heard about this "proclamation," my mind immediately went to Daniel 7:25, a verse about the coming anti-Christ.

Let me provide a little bit of context. In chapter seven, Daniel sees a vision of four great beasts coming up out of the sea, which parallels the "great image" made up of four different metals seen by Nebuchadnezzar in chapter two. READ MORE