Sunday, March 31, 2024

The United States is foolishly turning its back on Israel - opinion

On April 1, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini proclaimed, “The first day of God’s government in Iran.” Few people know that Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution would have never succeeded without the help of a liberal American president who was hellbent on overthrowing the shah of Iran to install a cleric, all in the name of human rights.

I wrote a major book on this subject, Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and World Chaos, in 2009 after interviewing more than 100 primary leaders who were aware of the plot. I met with empress Farah Pahlavi in Georgetown at her home. She had read my book and told me it was 100% true.

She said that on New Year’s Eve 1977, when Carter visited with her and her husband and signed the guestbook, he told the shah, “You will release political prisoners [and] give freedom of the press and freedom of religion. If you don’t, I will not be giving you any replacement parts for your helicopters or your planes. I can do this under a new law that suspends foreign aid over human rights.”

The shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, said to the empress when he left, “If I do what he is asking, the Russians will invade Afghanistan. Iraq will attack Iran. There’ll be an Islamic revolution in Iran with Khomeini taking over the country. And who knows what horror will come upon the earth?”

Everything that the shah predicted came to pass. READ MORE