Friday, March 15, 2024

Afghanistan invests $35M in Iran’s Chabahar seaport

Amid growing trade relations between Iran and Afghanistan, the Taliban government declared a $35 million investment in Iran’s southern port of Chabahar.

This project is considered a crucial step forward for war-torn Afghanistan as it will strengthen the country’s commercial capacities and grant it better access to international waterways.

The declared investment, which underlines the expanding economic ties between Iran and Afghanistan, followed a high-level Afghan delegation that recently visited Tehran.

Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s ambassador to Afghanistan, confirmed in a statement that “with the investment of $35 million, construction of various projects have started, including commercial and trade complex.”

There are also plans to develop a 25-story residential skyscraper in Chabahar, according to media reports, which also assert that a special economic zone for Afghanistan is being established at Chabahar Port that will reportedly lead to an increased volume of trade between the two countries. READ MORE