Sunday, September 17, 2023

‘March for democracy’: Tens of thousands expected at week 37 of anti-overhaul rallies

Tens of thousands of Israelis were expected to protest throughout the country on Sunday evening against the coalition’s judicial overhaul legislation for a 37th straight week, with organizers vowing to protect the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

The weekly mass protests normally take place on Saturdays, but this week were shifted to Sunday after the two-day Rosh Hashanah holiday.

The main event was again expected to be the Tel Aviv demonstration. This week organizers said they would march from Rothchild Boulevard to Kaplan Street at 7 p.m. carrying a massive copy of the Declaration of Independence in what they called “The Victory of Democracy March.”

They called on participants to wear white in honor of the holiday, the Jewish New Year.

“In the past week the [government’s] propaganda machines came out against the Declaration of Independence and Israel’s founders,” they said in a statement. READ MORE