Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who is also a member of the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet, on Saturday night responded to the deadly shooting attack in Huwara, which left father and son Shai and Aviad dead.
"My heard is broken from pain and sadness after the horrific terror attack in Huwara, in which a father and son were murdered by a lowly and despicable terrorist," Smotrich said. "Together with the entire nation of Israel, I send condolences to the bereaved family."
He emphasized, "The IDF must move to offense in Judea and Samaria, and bring back deterrence and security. Parallel to this, we are working to increase construction and strengthen the settlements on the ground. Terror will never achieve its goal of uprooting us from our land."
Shai Silas Nigreker, 60, and his son Aviad Nir, age 28, were murdered Saturday afternoon in Huwara. The father and son, residents of Ashkelon and Ashdod, were shot point-blank by a terrorist while at a car wash in Huwara. It is suspected that Arabs at the scene called the terrorist, who arrived on foot and opened fire at the Jews before escaping the scene in a vehicle.
Avi, a minibus driver who was at the scene, said, "I was there with them. I spoke with them. They asked if I was also from Ashdod, and a conversation developed. We spoke a bit and then the father said, 'I'm going to the car wash.'"
"He came into the [car] wash. There were gunshots and we immediately ran away from there. I gave their friend a ride."
Avi added, "I will never go back there. It was really scary. A father and son were murdered. It really pains me."