Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Biden's bad Iran deal and dire Israeli concerns

The headline in the NYT of June 14, 2023, read, “US Seeks Informal Agreement with Iran.”

That headline was deceptive, perhaps deliberately.

It claimed that the Biden Administration had been quietly negotiating with the Iranians, as the paper put it, “to limit Iran’s nuclear program and to free imprisoned Americans” when the opposite is true.

This deal, negotiated in secret in Oman, is more about Iranian blackmail than it is about stopping the malevolent military and nuclear progress made by Iran on many fronts.

This deal has the Biden Administration submitting to Iran’s illegal hostage-taking blackmail by unfreezing Iranian money from both Iraqi and South Korean banks, signifying a breach of the official sanctions imposed on Iran without any trustworthy Iranian commitment to stop their illicit nuclear military programs. READ MORE