It is obvious, Hezbollah is baiting Israel and daring it to attack to justify a war. As usual Nasrallah is breathing fire and brimstone and threats of every kind flow like water. So the question is why would Nasrallah be doing so and why now? The further question is what is Iran actually up to in encouraging Nasrallah?
Nasrallah has on a previous occasion, which led to the Second Lebanon War in 2006, been his arrogant and cocksure self. As a result of the war, unprepared as Israel was at the time, he lost and admitted that if he had known what Israel’s response would be, he, meaning Hezbollah, would never have kidnapped Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.
Now Nasrallah appears to be suffering from memory loss and has reverted back to typical Arab bravado and boasts of winning the war. Let us not forget that Nasrallah and Hezbollah lost some ground in the last Lebanon election and much of his bluster is to sell himself as the true champion and defender of Lebanon. How convenient to have Israel on his doorstep. READ MORE