Saturday, June 24, 2023

Voices from the Arab press: Israeli threats of war with Iran psychological or inevitable?

Recently, Israeli military commentators have written numerous articles about a growing peril from Iran and its primary partner in the region, Hezbollah. These articles have discussed different scenarios of Hezbollah raiding Israel’s northern border and launching massive missile strikes of up to 2,000 missiles each day, from a range of directions. Additionally, Israeli pundits have referenced intensive maneuvers and the training of Israeli forces in anticipation of a war that is believed to be only a matter of time due to Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb. Some may interpret these recent articles and leaks concerning Israel’s readiness for war as an attempt to scare Iran and its proxies away from Israel’s borders. Others, however, may see them as a sign that war is only a matter of time. It could even be an attempt to accustom the Israeli public to the thought of war, in addition to preparing them both psychologically and operationally for it. READ MORE