Monday, June 19, 2023

First Time in 21 Years: IDF uses attack helicopters in battle with Jenin terrorists

The Israeli military deployed attack helicopters to the skies above Jenin Monday morning, marking the first use of helicopters for direct combat with terrorists in Samaria in over two decades.

Israeli attack helicopters were spotted over the combat zone in Jenin Monday, with footage on social media showing the aircraft opening fire on terrorists with missiles and machine guns.

The IDF has not used attack helicopters in a combat situation in Judea and Samaria since 2002, Channel 12 reported.

The helicopters were observed targeting a building in Jenin where a number of terrorists are currently holed up in part of an ongoing gun battle with IDF forces.

The Israeli army and Border Police are continuing their efforts to extract forces deployed to the Palestinian Authority-administered city in northern Samaria, after Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists ambushed IDF armored vehicles during an arrest operation.

Multiple bombs were hurled at the vehicles, leaving at least one damaged, injuring five Border Police officers.

A massive gun battle broke out during the arrest operation, which involved a number of undercover Border Police officers.

In total, seven Israeli personnel were injured, including two IDF soldiers and five Border Police officers. One of the soldiers is in moderate condition, the second in light condition.

Two of the Border Police officers are listed in moderate condition, three more in light condition.

The Palestinian Authority mouthpiece WAFA reported that four Palestinian Arabs have died in the firefight, with 45 more wounded.

Two wanted terrorists, Assem Abu al-Haija, and Mussab Hassan al-Barmaki, were arrested during the operation.

The gun battle is ongoing, an IDF spokesperson said late Monday morning.

"Following the operational activity earlier this morning, IDF soldiers are continuing to operate in the city of Jenin. Exchanges of fire are occurring in the area."