Sunday, June 25, 2023

Biden’s latest Iran Deal Is desperate, dangerous and purely political

Of all the serious issues the US could tackle, the same foolhardy Democrats who brought us the misguided Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015 (JCPOA) are trying to sneak across a new version that immediately showers Iran with cash in return for dubious future promises.

The deal isn’t the “longer and stronger” agreement Joe Biden promised last year. He waited for Iran, and he was rejected. No, in a risible retreat, the Biden Administration is now pursuing some sort of “understanding” with the Ayatollahs to get everyone to the brink of a nuclear breakout, but no further.

Iran has enriched uranium to 60% purity for several nuclear weapons and can achieve weapons-grade quickly. But the U.S. isn’t asking the mullahs to turn over enriched material; instead, the deal offers financial relief for Iran by promising no new sanctions or International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) censures while requesting only that Tehran not enrich uranium beyond that 60%. READ MORE