Tuesday, June 20, 2023

7 Israeli soldiers injured by terrorist bomb in Jenin

Seven Israeli soldiers and Border Police officers were injured by a terrorist bomb during an operation in Samaria Monday morning.

The bombing occurred as an IDF armored vehicle was driving through he Palestinian Authority-administered city of Jenin, striking a large bomb that had been thrown into the road.

Later on Monday, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization claimed responsibility for the bombing.

The vehicle bombing came shortly after a large gun battle broke out in Jenin between Israeli security personnel and Arab terrorists.

IDF and undercover Border Police forces entered the city early Monday morning, as part of an operation to arrest wanted Palestinian Arab terrorists.

During the operation, the Israeli forces deployed to Jenin came under fire, sparking heavy exchanges of gunfire between terrorists and the IDF and Border Police forces.

Arab media outlets claim the gun battle broke out while the IDF was covering the extraction of the undercover Border Police forces from Jenin following the operation.

Footage released on social media shows IDF forces operating in the city, with the sound of heavy gunfire in the background.

The Palestinian Authority’s WAFA outlet reports that four people had been killed during the gun battle, with dozens more wounded, including one in critical condition.

Two wanted terrorists, Assem Abu al-Haija, and Mussab Hassan al-Barmaki, were arrested during the operation.

An IDF spokesperson said that Israeli forces are continuing to operate in Jenin, and that the gun battle with terrorists is ongoing.

"Following the operational activity earlier this morning, IDF soldiers are continuing to operate in the city of Jenin. Exchanges of fire are occurring in the area."