For Christians, the birth of Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem two millennia ago was not only chronicled in the New Testament, but also prophesied centuries earlier in parts of the Hebrew Bible. It goes without saying that most Jewish readers view those passages of the Old Testament differently.
A recently published book, “The Bible With and Without Jesus: How Jews and Christians Read the Same Stories Differently,” seeks to offer some insight into how two faiths can have such disparate understandings of the same text.
The book’s two co-authors — professors Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbilt University and Marc Zvi Brettler of Duke University — are American Jews affiliated with Jewish Studies departments. Levine specializes in the New Testament and Brettler, who is currently based in Israel, focuses on the Hebrew Bible. As they explained in a recent joint Zoom interview with The Times of Israel, they hope their new book can help Jews and Christians understand each other better by examining how each faith interprets the same select passages of the Hebrew Bible.
“We’re not encouraging people to change religious beliefs,” Brettler emphasized. “We’re encouraging people on both sides of the divide to not see it as such a divide, but to look at these texts with somebody else’s lenses.”
Levine and Brettler have been collaborating on this topic for some time now. In a previous project, they co-edited the “Jewish Annotated New Testament,” first published in 2011 with a second edition in 2017. A photo of the authors giving a copy of the book to Pope Francis in 2019 was shared widely in academic social media circles. READ MORE