Sunday, December 6, 2020

Gantz: I've stopped believing Netanyahu

Benny Gantz

Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz reiterated in an interview with Channel 12 News on Saturday night, “Either there will be a budget and a functioning government or we will go to elections.”

"We are going to elections because of Netanyahu. If not for him, there would have been a budget long ago. You do not run a state with a budget for a week, Netanyahu wasted half a year," he added.

"I’ve stopped believing Netanyahu," said Gantz. When asked what the chances are that the State of Israel will not go to elections, he answered with a question of his own, which expresses the great distrust of Prime Minister Netanyahu, "You tell me, what is the chance that Netanyahu will approve a budget?"

"We will be the biggest party and the axis around which the next government will be formed," stated Gantz, who added that running together with Yair Lapid in the same faction is not possible at the moment.

"It is impossible to cooperate with Lapid in one faction. I have to lead the camp, Lapid cannot form a government in Israel," he claimed.